Now Health International and Best Doctors Insurance

Innovative leaders in high-end health care

In July 2015 multi-award winning Now Health International officially joined forces with Best Doctors Insurance, with it’s more than 30 years experience in international health insurance. Together the combined Group of Now Health International and Best Doctors Insurance is one of the largest, specialist IPMI providers worldwide.

With a 'Think Global, Act Local' philosophy, the business currently has sales and service offices across the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific catering from the simple through to complex medical protection needs of 125,000+ members across more than 200 countries and territories.

Combined Business: Best of both worlds

The combination of our two companies creates a top tier specialist international health insurance proposition with complementary products, distribution and geographies. Together, we aim to continue delivering top-class service to our existing and prospective customers, distributors and providers. 

Our commitment to delivering service excellence is achieved through the development of strong, long lasting partnerships and the use of sophisticated tools and technology for our customers and distributors. These tools include state of the art internet portals, smartphone applications and a range of exclusive patient services, which converge to ensure a high-quality, personalized customer experience, with access to the best medical facilities both locally and globally.

Financial Performance

As of the filing date, the following are some of the key financial results of the combined Now Health International/Best Doctors Insurance Group for the financial year April 2017 - March 2018:

Financial Performance

Here are some of the key financial results of the combined Now Health International/Best Doctors Insurance Group for the financial year April 2017 - March 2018:


The following are some of the key financial results of our insurance company in Bermuda, Best Doctors Insurance Limited (BDIL), for the financial year April 2017 - March 2018:


  • Do you have an insurance company?
    Insuring many of our members globally, Best Doctors Insurance Limited is a non-resident Class 3B insurer in Bermuda. To be registered as a Class 3B insurer the minimum premium requirement is USD $50 million and Best Doctors Insurance Limited continues to comply with the ongoing solvency requirements the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) place on us. Among the many assurances offered by our Bermuda domicile, we highlight the following:
    - Bermuda is one of seven jurisdiction deemed qualified by the US National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), a United States organization that establishes and governs better practices for the insurance industry in the United States.
    - The BMA is a full member of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO),
    a member of the Group of International Finance Centre Supervisors, and a founding member of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS).
    - Bermuda is one of three major insurance centres, the most important property catastrophe market, and the largest captive insurance market.
    - The BMA is one of the strongest and most respected offshore regulators, providing regulatory frameworks which are consistent with international best practice. It is currently one of only two non EU jurisdictions
    to have been found fully equivalent to the Solvency II Directive, which is held up as the gold standard of insurance regulation worldwide.
    - In 2009, Bermuda became the first offshore jurisdiction to be included on the OECD’s white list of compliant, transparent countries.
  • What other insurance partnerships do you have?
    We have partnerships with the following insurers:
    - In Guatemala: BAM
    - In Canada: Lloyds
    - In the UAE: Arabia Insurance Company S.A.L.
    - In Singapore and Indonesia: Sompo Insurance
    - In Hong Kong: AXA General Insurance
    - In China: Asia-Pacific Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd.
  • Do you have a global reinsurance arrangement?
    From January 1 2016 we formalized our group wide strategic reinsurance partnership with RGA, supported by a global team of health underwriting, product development and claims experts.
    Our partnership with RGA allows increased underwriting flexibility, provides advanced risk management tools and enhances our overall competitiveness.

    RGA is the only global reinsurer focused exclusively on the life and health industry and is the third largest reinsurer in this sector worldwide. As at December 31 2017 it had assets of USD 60.5 billion.

    RGA serves clients from operations in more than 26 countries around the world, delivering expert solutions in individual life reinsurance, individual living benefits reinsurance, group reinsurance, financial solutions, facultative underwriting and product development. Reinsurance Group of America holds superior financial strength, operating performance and market profile.

    In 2017, RGA was ranked #1 on NMG Consulting’s Global All Respondent Business Capability Index (BCI), based on feedback from insurance executives in more than50 countries.